We recently saw this post on an SCCA Facebook group, and love so much the message that Kelsey Stephens was sharing with our community, that we just had to share it with you too!

"I got to talk to at least one Girl about what it takes to become a Motorsports woman this weekend. I told her to focus in math class. To learn how to take things apart and put them back together. I explained the importance of communication and teamwork. She smiled when I told her to make mistakes and learn from them. I told her to be strong and brave and passionate and don't hold back if she truly loves motorsports. These are all things I wish a woman would have told me when I was a young woman interested in cars. When I see these photos of myself I see the kind of woman I wanted to be at her age. Now I get the privilege to encourage the next generation of ladies who will go on to do amazing things in Motorsports."
Thank you, Kelsey!